Dry AMD (Atrophic AMD):
Wet AMD (Neovascular AMD):
You should consider regular screening if you:
An eye care provider may use several tests to screen for AMD, including:
Comprehensive Eye Exam:
A complete evaluation by an ophthalmologist or optometrist to assess overall eye health.
Amsler Grid Test:
A simple visual test that allows you to monitor central vision changes. Distorted, wavy, or blank areas when viewing the grid may signal AMD.
Retinal Imaging (Fundus Photography):
Advanced imaging technology captures detailed photos of the retina and macula to identify drusen or other signs of AMD.
Fluorescein Angiography:
A dye is injected into the bloodstream to visualize blood vessels in the retina and detect leaks or abnormal blood vessel growth associated with wet AMD.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT):
A non-invasive imaging scan that provides cross-sectional views of the retina to assess macular thickness and detect early changes indicative of AMD.
Regular eye exams, especially for those at high risk, can help identify AMD in its earliest stages, making treatment more effective.
While there is no cure for AMD, treatments can slow its progression, preserve remaining vision, and improve quality of life. Treatment strategies depend on the type of AMD (dry or wet) and the stage of the disease.
Currently, there are no FDA-approved treatments that reverse dry AMD, but the following strategies can slow its progression:
Smoking is a major risk factor for AMD progression. Quitting smoking is one of the most impactful lifestyle changes to slow AMD development.
Staying active helps maintain cardiovascular health, which can support eye health as well.
Wet AMD is more aggressive but can be treated effectively with timely intervention. Treatment options include:
A light-sensitive drug is injected into the bloodstream and activates under laser treatment to close abnormal blood vessels.
Laser surgery can target leaking blood vessels to slow or stop damage to the retina. However, this is less commonly used due to the risk of scarring.
Although AMD can’t always be prevented, these steps can reduce your risk or slow its progression:
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